Friday, December 3, 2010


Walls are born of fear. They have roots that reach deep beneath our true selves. These walls can hold us up, but they hold us back. They can hold strong, and these walls can crack. The world is so lonely in the essence of what these walls lack. How can I stand here in this secret garden under attack, yet feel such emptiness in this shelter-less shack? We try to get out and get hurt, so we keep runnin’ back.

Walls that hold you captive in your own torment... Saturated sorrow overflowing the dams you've built to keep the flow down. Because you cannot swim, you run from the haunting and pain. Breathless, sore and exasperated at times from the chase. "When it rains, it pours", and there is always a flood. Before you drown in the seas of self realization, you manage to retreat to your newly constructed walls with bricks of pity and self importance. A place where the very symbols of self encroaching preliminal icons, black hooded, masked consorts adorned with your sparkling fears, stulitified around the church for which you worship them. Tactile demons rising above the floors of true grounding. Suddenly, the assylum built to protect, to be your sanctuary, is crumbling now. Could your fate be awash? Will you now die of self-defeat? You are a fetus in the self enclaved womb; supposed nurturer, yet it sucks the very life force within you, engorging itself as you flail in your new found placenta of paranoia. Can you Breathe?

The earth shivers and quakes with disapproval,
and deities are returned to their pedestals.
Fractions of sunlight beam through the cracks,
That must be sign of something gold held in,
or something gold held back.
Will these same walls give safety under attack?

Brick by brick, we lay it on thick,
our cement torment.
We let it sink, let it sit.

But what are we even writing on these walls??
Are we even learning our lessons at all?
Isn't it evident that all Humpty-Dumpty ever did was fall?
Do you think we will ever really reach the sky?
Do you think we can just keep patching all the holes that vie?
Tell me now, are we shackled for our coming lives to be?
I just want them to all come down, sometimes,
I just want to see me for me.
We need to see YOU, as well,
in all your splendor, in all your original peace.
We must tear down these hardened blankets of security,
these heavy, hunched, chains of tether.
What are walls???
Walls are what keep us apart, they've blocked us, too long, from growing together.

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